Friday, January 22, 2016

2nd Homework

Read the text in page 3.
From the 2nd excercise you have on your photocopies about working in law. answer the next questions on your notebook:
- What are the two types of lawyers who practice in England?
- Is easy to be a judge? Why yes, or why not?
- What do you think about the idea that just barristers can represent a client in the court, rather than solicitors?

Good luck! see you.


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  2. 1. Barristers and solicitors
    2.It is not easy as it should be fair to both sides
    3.good , as you gain experience

  3. 1. barristers and solicitors.
    2. no, why you should study the subject deeply to understand perfectly.
    3. I agree , as they are obtained in their field experience Applicable.

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  5. 1. Barristers and solicitors
    2. No, because it's necessary to know the function of every institution or organization, also the laws of the state and the country where we are living, even is important to have knowledge of the rules that exist in other countries, so a lawyer have to study and read too much, and also experience in the workplace.
    3. I think it's fine, but also I think that the solicitors can do it too because they can get advices of other lawyers, so that could be a great help in the solution of the case.

  6. 1.- Barrister and solicitors
    2.- Isn't because you have to be quialified and it is difficult to give a judgment
    3.- I agree, it depends on the ability of the lawyer and his professional performance.


  7. 1.-barristers and solicitors.
    2.-not,because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
    3.- shure, that already have more experience in these cases.

  8. 1. Barristers and Solicitors.
    2. Not easy being a judge because it requires much experience to be chosen.
    3. I think this very well because they have a better performance and gain more experience.

  9. -barristers and solicitors.
    2.-not,because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
    3.- shure, that already have more experience in these cases.

  10. 1. Barristers and Solicitors.
    2. Not easy being a judge because it requires much experience to be chosen.
    3. I think this very well because they have a better performance and gain more experience.

  11. 1. Barristers and Solicitors.
    2. Not easy being a judge because it requires much experience to be chosen.
    3. I think this very well because they have a better performance and gain more experience.

  12. 1. solicitors and barristers
    2. not because you must study hard to be oder judge, besides that experience it is fundamental for a judge
    3. I agree that the experience acquired in the field in which it applies.

  13. 1. Barristers and Solicitors
    2.No, it's not easy being a judge because you need to know all the laws of a country, one could learn over time.
    3. this very well, because they acquire more experience for the future.
    Mary Carmen Armenta Garcia

  14. 1. Barristers and solicitors.
    2. Not, because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
    3. Shure, that alredy have more experience in these cases.

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    1. 1.- Barristers and solicitors
      2.- It is not easy being a judge who has todo resolver a dispute and must correctly apply justo e
      3.- I think it right that the lawyer has the ability and experience to do

  16. -barristers and solicitors.
    2.-not,because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
    3.- shure, that already have more experience in these cases.

    1. 1.-barristers and solicitors.
      2.-not,because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
      3.- shure, that already have more experience in these cases.

    2. 1.-barristers and solicitors.
      2.-not,because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
      3.- shure, that already have more experience in these cases.

  17. 1.Barristers and solicitors
    2.No, it's not easy cause es necessary have experience like lawyer first.
    3.It's great because barristers have more experienced and are more qualified.
    But the barristers should give opportunity for the solicitors to have more experience.
    Vanessa Tepatzi Alejo

  18. ana edith hernandez naranjo

    1 barristers and solicitors
    2 not, because you must study hard to be order judge, besides that experience it is fundamental for a judge
    3 agree that the experience acquired in the field in which it applies

  19. 1.barriesters and solicitors.
    2.not,because they to have education and experience and know how to apply and analize the law.
    3. Shure,that already have more experience in these cases.

  20. 1.-They are called barristers and solicitors.
    2.-Not, because they must have a lot of experience as a lawyer and apply to be a judge and if elected.
    3.-It seems very consistent, because they are specialists in defense, which is the ability to speak to someone in court. Also give views on areas of law to lawyers and solicitors and counsel clients.

  21. 1.- Abogados y procuradores.
    2.-No, por que ellos tienen la experiencia y los conocimientos para interpretar y aplicar la ley.
    3.-Estoy de acuerdo, ya que se aplican los conocimientos adquiridos aparte de que se van adquiriendo nuevos.

  22. 1.-Barriesters and solicitors.
    2.-No, because to be very experienced judge is required, and it is a complicated task
    3.- Yes of course if they are able to resolve these cases.

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  25. 1.-Barristers and solicitors
    2.-I think it is not easy, because you need to have a great knowledge and experience.
    3.This very well, but I think that an attorney can also although with help.

  26. 1 barristers and solicitors
    2 not, because you must study hard to be order judge, besides that experience it is fundamental for a judge
    3 agree that the experience acquired in the field in which it applies

    maria de lorurdes meza sosa

  27. 1-barristers and solicitors
    2-not,because it requires preparation and experience.
    3-it would be very good as long as know resolve cases.

    1._ are often referred to as barristers and solicitors in England is so.
    2._creo not because judges must be elejidos or experience or career path of each.
    3._pues I think is right because so lawyers have experience with the law or that party to bring before the court his clients.

  29. 1.- Barristers and Soliciters
    2.- No. Because to be a judge need to know much about general culture , laws and experience.
    3.- It's a good idea, because maybe they are more preparen and they know more about theory and laws.

  30. 1._barristers and solicitors
    2._being a judge is not easy, because they must have many skills and specialize in different areas to make good decisions facing a hearing
    3._ bad , not because they let the lawyers take experience before the court

  31. 1._barristers and solicitors
    2._being a judge is not easy, because they must have many skills and specialize in different areas to make good decisions facing a hearing
    3._ bad , not because they let the lawyers take experience before the court

  32. 1._Barristers and solicitors
    2._Being a judge is not easy, because they must have many skills and specialize in different areas to make good decisions facing a hearing
    3._ Bad , not because they let the lawyers take experience before the court

  33. 1.-Barrister and solicitors.
    2.-For me if it´s easy, just need experience and good ethics.
    3.-Of course, so you have a greater chance of winning.

  34. 1.- barristers and solicitors
    2.- No, because it is necessary to know the role of each institution or organization, also the laws of the state and country in which we are living, and also experience in the workplace.
    3.- I consider this well because they can get more experience and learn so many things that did not know

  35. 1 Barristers and Solicitors
    2 Not think it's difficult, when you're supposed to judge your task is to make sure everyone follows the law, and assume that the law is just.
    3 is always best to consult with another attorney before filing a lawsuit, to know how likely to win the case you are presenting. Many local bar associations have information and referral services to lawyers that refer to a limited extent in exchange for a small fee.

  36. 1.-Barrister and solicitors.
    2.-Not because ir necesarios have legal knoweldge convictions.
    requires professionalism and legal responsibitity yo be fair.
    3.-The lawyer has the faculty of represetn Tour dient yo defend their rights applying T heir legal knowledge.

  37. 1 Barrister and Solicitors
    2 Not think it's difficult, when you're supposed to judge your task is to make sure everyone follows the law, and assume that the law is just.
    3 Is always best to consult with another attorney before filing a lawsuit, to know how likely to win the case you are presenting. Many local bar associations have information and referral services to lawyers that refer to a limited extent in exchange for a small fee.

  38. 1. Advocates and procurators.
    2. It is not easy being a judge, as it requires a lot of experience in the labor sphere or in question, but the most important feature is to be consistent and not to opt for go somewhere willing parties.
    3. It is agreed toy as much experience and an unblemished rectitude personality is needed.


  39. Andrea Rodriguez Varela
    1.- Barristers and solicitors
    2.- It's not easy because it takes the most important decisions without excluding any
    3.- you need to learn to practice this level and to review since being formed in that field

  40. - Barristers and Soliciters
    -if because to get to that position is I have the neceasrio necesraio intellect and experience to give a ruling in favor and one against
    -I think a good idea because the attorneys have the expertise to carry out a conflict and give a particular solution

  41. - Barristers and Soliciters
    -if because to get to this position you must have the intellect necessary to give a ruling in favor and one against
    -I think a good idea because the attorneys have the expertise to carry out a conflict and give a particular solution

    evelyn alvarado nava

  42. 1.-Barristers and solicitors
    2.-Being a judge is not easy, since it is a big responsibility, and must have qualities as wisely ponder and decide impartially.
    3.-Very good, because they are experts in specialized areas of law

    Dylan Jehison Martinez Muñoz

  43. 1.- Barristers and solicitors
    2.- not. because it is not based on just having expertise concerning legislation but it is also necessary to know them to understand and interpret them to exercise the function of being a judge.
    3.-I consider this very well, because we all have the same opportunities, besides that would get more experience in the solutions of cases and they would take advice from other lawyers.
    student: victor hugo hernandez hernandez

  44. a.- barristers and solicitors.
    b.-Being a judge is not easy, because they have to have many skills and studies in different branches of the law to make good decisions before an audience.
    c.-This is fine as they gain more experience
    Javier Ismael Vazquez Rojas

  45. 1 Barristers and solicitors.
    2 No because it is necessary get alot of experience as a lawyer first.
    3I think is fine because they are especialists in advocacy

  46. 1.- Barristers and solicitors
    2.- It's not easy because it takes the most important decisions without excluding any
    3.- you need to learn to practice this level and to review since being formed in that field

    BY: Ivan Lopantzi Mendieta

  47. 1. The two types of lawyers are barristers and solicitors.
    2. I’m pretty sure being a judge is not easy, because a person’s life or freedom (talking about criminal law) depends of her/his decision; a judge can’t involve her/his feelings with the case, a judge must be fair and make much sense of justice. Also a good judge has to be a good person with a lot of knowledge, someone who really loves her/his job; I think one of the hardest but also the most wonderful thing of being a judge is that you must study, read and learn as much as you can. A lawyer who wanna be a judge, must gain a lot of experience to be a good one.
    3. Actually I think that it is okay, not everyone can be a good barrister, they must have to own determinate skills. However, I think would be fine for the solicitors could represent the clients in court too.

    Paola Angélica González Solano.

  48. 1.-Barristers and Soliciters
    2.-Although it seems easy, being a judge on Dancing with the Stars is a very complicated task, which requires responsibility and professionalism.
    It is very hard (being a judge) that you feel bad having to judge something that not one would know if you can do better, "he said in an interview the singer of half.
    3.-my point of view think that is a good way to get extra because both have expercienacia and equal opportunities.

    Juarez Perez Mayra Joseline

  49. 1.- Barristers and solicitors
    2.- It's not easy because it takes the most important decisions without excluding any
    3.- you need to learn to practice this level and to review since being formed in that field

    By: Ivan Lopantzi Mnedieta

  50. 1.- Barristes and solicitors.
    2.- No, because you have to be prepared properly, have the knowledge to resolve uncertainties and be fair to both parties.
    3.- I sound like a great idea, because that way they acquire experience, as acquired conociemientos applied in practice and acquire new ones.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1.- Advocates and procurators-
      2.- is very easy as all you have to do is apply the law to the letter
      3.- I think a great idea because the law is their specialty

  52. 1Barristers and solicitors.
    2 No because it is necessary get alot of experience as a lawyer first.
    3I think is fine because they are especialists in advocacy

  53. 1Barristers and solicitors
    yes, because you must know what their role and should not be fickle with any and has to be just who deserves
    I feel good because one lawyer knows how to defend his client and even learn to defend his client

  54. 1._ Barristers and solicitors
    2._ Not, because must have qualities as ponder and decide impartially.
    3._ Good , because they are experts in areas of law.
    Student: Cristopher Muñoz Pérez

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  56. 1.-barrisers and solicitors
    2.-not because to be a judge need to have a lot of experience as lawyer.
    3.- each with different skills and taste compared to become a lawyer
    Areli Vazquez Vazquez

  57. 1.- los abogados y los procuradores
    2.-no por que necesita mucha experiencia como abogado
    3.-necesita mucha experiencia para ganar

  58. 1.- Barristers and solicitors
    2.- It is not easy being a judge who has todo resolver a dispute and must correctly apply justo e
    3.- I think it right that the lawyer has the ability and experience to do

    Homework by Diana Laura Ramírez Luna (she has a problem)

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  60. 1,solicitors
    2.not because to be a judge need to have a lot of experience as lawyer.
    3.each with different skills and taste compared to become a lawyer

  61. 1,solicitors
    2.not because to be a judge need to have a lot of experience as lawyer.
    3.each with different skills and taste compared to become a lawyer

  62. 1.-Barristers and solicitors
    2.-Being a judge is not easy, since it is a big responsibility, and must have qualities as wisely ponder and decide impartially.
    3.-Very good, because they are experts in specialized areas of law
    Luis Carlos Vázquez
