Friday, April 29, 2016


Hello students! This space is devoted to your video's link. You will share your link on Friday or Saturday, as you prefer. Remember to  write down your names and e-mails for feedback.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Participation for today´s class

What can you tell me about the reading you had about "Edna Snell", what was the most important moment for you?, what happened? say something about it!


Please do not share your ad by e-mail. could you upload it on google docs and share the link here.


Hello students as you know we did not have classes today neither tomorrow. It is important you check the next links as we are going to work through the blog these days.
I need you to record your video the next week and upload it on Tuesday. I am so sorry if you have a few days to finish it, but we cannot waste time now. Remember your video will be about a news report you have to create on a channel. take as an example the everyday news you watch. Remember to use passive voice (2 - 3minutes)

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Hello students, about your advertisement.. If it is really big you will send me a photo here and if not, you will give it to me tomorrow at 1pm in the 1st semester classroom.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Hello students, this space is for your news' link.
Thank you!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016