Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Last participation for the 3rd partial

Hello students, you have to coose a case in which you want to be the judge and decide what you think the punishment should be for that case above. Prepare to give arguments for one case you feel strongly about.1. Barbara May: Aged 47.
She stole a 4 month old baby from a pushchair parked outside a shop. Despite appeals from the baby’s parents on national TV, the baby was
only returned when Barbara’s husband came back from working on an oil rig in the North Sea a month later. The baby had been well looked after. Barbara had been trying to have a baby for 10 years.
2. June Mayfield: Aged 29.
She stabbed her husband to death. Her husband had persistently beaten her for many years. Police had been called in several times by neighbours worried about her, but she refused to press charges. She says she only picked up the knife in self-defence. She has no previous convictions.
3. Robert Peel: Aged 36.
He robbed an old lady in the street. He threatened violence but didn’t use any. He has a long record of previous arrests, mainly for shoplifting and pick pocketing but he hadn’t been in trouble for a while before this incident. He has an ill mother and five children and says that he steals to support them.
4. Frank Gordon. Aged 31.
He was arrested for drunk driving. He was found after he had driven his car off the road, but no-one was hurt. He had nearly hit another car 10 minutes before the accident. His team had won the Champion’s League and he had been celebrating in a pub with friends, but he is also a regular heavy drinker. He is a travelling salesman and so needs to drive for his job, and has a wife and two children to support.
5. Matthew Barnyard. Aged 21.
He was arrested and convicted for possession of heroin. After the conviction new evidence was discovered that supports his claim that he bought the drugs only to ease the pain of his dying mother. He is therefore appealing his sentence. In the initial case, a previous conviction for possession of cannabis was used in evidence against him.
6.David Badiell: Aged 17.
He is an animal rights activist. He was arrested for breaking a security guard’s nose. The security guard tried to remove him from the shop when he was walking around verbally abusing customers in the fur department of a large department store. He claims the security guard was to blame.
7. Roger Delfry: Aged 29.
He was arrested for blackmail. He found out that his boss had recently had an affair and threatened to tell his boss’s wife. He used the money his boss gave him to buy a luxury flat and a fast car for him and his young wife. He is not at all apologetic, and says that his boss is the real criminal for cheating on his wife.
8. Fred Daybrey: Aged 42.
Editor of a newspaper. After his paper printed a story about Danny ‘Funny Man’ Grim, which later turned out to be untrue, Danny’s TV show was cancelled and he lost his home in Barcelona.


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  3. Barbara punishment of Case 1
    I think it was the most serious case because barbara kidnapping a baby, and psychological and physical damage to the baby's parents was perhaps the worst experience of their lives, clearly though she did not hurt the baby but parents suffered much to be able to not find the baby, and she can not have children not justified as there are other legal options such as adoption. I also believe that this case is the strongest. I give it 15 years in prison because that's what Mexican law says.

  4. Case 1.Barbara May: Aged 47.
    Does not justify her action even if she wanted to have a baby, although she took care of the baby very well, she committed a crime; so I would give her a sentence of 10 years.

  5. my opinion is that barbara has no justification for what he did if I committed a crime by stealing the baby and is a felony . today there are many possibilities of adoption I would give ten years

  6. for my crime with more pains to steal the baby she is already premeditated and does so with all the vices of the will and bad faith, fraud, etc. so I'll give a sentence of life.

  7. for my crime with more pains to steal the baby she is already premeditated and does so with all the vices of the will and bad faith, fraud, etc. so I'll give a sentence of life.

  8. for my crime with more pains to steal the baby she is already premeditated and does so with all the vices of the will and bad faith, fraud, etc. so I'll give a sentence of life.

  9. Case 1: Punishment of Barbara
    my opinion is that Barbara has committed a very serious crime to see stolen the baby, because there are lots of options to have a baby legally as it is an adoption, I think the case is very serious: I give 12 years in prison.

    By: Mayra Joseline Juárez Pérez

  10. Case 1: Punishment of Barbara
    my opinion is that Barbara has committed a very serious crime to see stolen the baby, because there are lots of options to have a baby legally as it is an adoption, I think the case is very serious: I give 12 years in prison.

    By: Mayra Joseline Juárez Pérez


  11. 2. June Mayfield: Aged 29.
    in accordance with the previous sentence would give the accused since I tube several opportunities charges as witnesses to their neighbors but did not give rise to what happened.

    Alvarado Nava Evelyn

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  13. Barbara May: Aged 47
    Case: 1
    The case one is the most serious of all, as Barbara steals a baby, is a very serious crime, she tried to have a baby and she could pursue other options without having to steal, but not abuse the baby this crime is paid jail and being the judge give him 10 years in prison and I refer to the Penal Code.

  14. The first case is the most serious from my point of view , since the robbery baby 4 months old lady, that she could not have children , does not justify what he did, I care for the baby but that does not justify his crime .
    You deserve the sentence is 12 years in prison.
    María Fernanda Pérez Ortiz

  15. The first case was very serious
    I believe that the lady had other alternatives but decided to steal the child.
    for my part I would give 15 years.

  16. The first case was very serious
    I believe that the lady had other alternatives but decided to steal the child.
    for my part I would give 15 years.

  17. For me the case Mayfield June: 29 years old.
    She had had the opportunity to file charges with the police for physical violence by her husband, should not act on its own account stabbing him, justifying the act was in self-defense, I give 7 years in prison and whereas it should receive psychological help.

  18. Case 2:
    She will receive two years in prison because it was self-defense.

  19. Case3:
    He will receive 10 years in prison as no matter the why he did the action.

  20. Robert Peel: Aged 36.
    They are guilty of crime of thetf Who, for profit take over the foreign chattels using force things to access where these is through violence or intimidation in people, this offense is punishable by imprisonment, although he stole to support his family in a way that I commited a crime punishable by ten years imprisonment.

  21. Case 4 I would give Mr. 5 years because not excuse any lack of responsibility and could haver caused an accident.

  22. Case 3. Robert Peel: Aged 36.

    There are many people with such problems, with many children or who need money for any serious illness, there is no justification and less damaging to others. There are jobs short time, maybe they give some money but it's something. the old lady (or some other person of a different age) is not to blame and even violence, assaulted was used. So I give 8 years in prison.


  23. Case 3
    That this need not justify theft which makes people who earn their money honestly , there are many ways to get clean dinerio and give good example to their children
    I give 7 years in prison.

  24. Case 1.Barbara May: Aged 47.
    In my view the first case is the most serious of those mentioned. The fact that Barbara can not have babies is no justification for such things as there are other options to be a mother by legal means and not commit such a crime. If I were a judge would give 13 years in prison for having committed the crime.


  25. Case 1:
    In my opinion should be great desire to have a baby but as I read said there are other ways to do this without harming third parties, as judge plead guilty and besides his punishment will implement a psychological treatment .

  26. Caso 1

    En mi opinión no justifica el haber hecho eso pues un dolor de madre es terrible y más cuando es por un hijo, no era necesario hacer eso existiendo más opciones como adopción u otras.
    Le doy 10 años de prisión y esta prohibido acercarse al menor

    Ana Paula Joseph Fonceca

  27. Caso 1

    En mi opinión no justifica el haber hecho eso pues un dolor de madre es terrible y más cuando es por un hijo, no era necesario hacer eso existiendo más opciones como adopción u otras.
    Le doy 10 años de prisión y esta prohibido acercarse al menor

    Ana Paula Joseph Fonceca

  28. Case:1
    I think that Barbara made a great crime: what is the kidnapping of the baby without getting to think that parents They would be going very badly, I would put the sentence of 15 years in prison because it is a very serious crime. Since there are alternatives such as adoption.

    By: Lizbeth Sánchez Santacruz

  29. Case 2 June Mayfield: aced 29
    Giving clear that she has no previous convictions,but without however committed a murder in self-defense,that could lessen years in prison that he can give or get to the point of single bail for his freedmon,but it is recommended that minimum through 5 years of deprivations of liberty and pay for its acts.

  30. Case 2 June Mayfield: aced 29
    Giving clear that she has no previous convictions,but without however committed a murder in self-defense,that could lessen years in prison that he can give or get to the point of single bail for his freedmon,but it is recommended that minimum through 5 years of deprivations of liberty and pay for its acts.

  31. Case 1
    this case certainly is very serious because women unable to have children their duty was to look for places where adoptable and choose not to steal one , if I were the judge would give 10 -year sentence for not doing things right.

  32. case 6

    if your ofentes verbally to a person fulfill a sentence of 42 hours of imprisonment with a fine of ten minimum wages as they did not use violence or weapons.
    the young man did protest for animal care therefore should not be so long in prison.

  33. Case 4.
    It is applied to a fine and a penalty for driving while intoxicated, if the person does not go to subpoenas trial began and his sentence will be conditional or social service.

  34. In my opinion, the first case is the most srious, because she knows that the kid that she stole, had been serching for his parents, his family. She had to found a way to come him back to his family, however she didn't do something for resolve this difficult situation.

  35. Case 2
    In my opinion, the girl act in self-defense, therefore shouldn't receive a long sentence, I'm give 5 years in prison.

  36. Case 2.

    I declare preintentional murder and awarded 3 years in prison and she can reach bail.

  37. Case 1
    Barbara impresses the situation , and as the end does not justify his action , I would give a sentence of 12 years and 5 months. Affection because a whole family with kidnapping, and because he drinks is not a thing to steal , but a person so the label is kidnapping. And my decision is irrevocable. Omar Campillo Martínez.

  38. fred daybrey: agen24
    case 8
    My opinion on this case is a man or physical person was totalmete false alo in the papapel was printed as reasons to pretend actions were not according to the lost all its propiedas as pormotivo agree that if onesto for obolver to recover their properties to get started again.
    by:Victor Hugo Hernandez Hernandez

  39. in case number 2 it n have no history so that why his sentence will be of 5 years

  40. I saw that the first case, that of Barbara, is the most serious, since that it kidnapped a 4-month-old baby hurting parents of that helpless creature, her excuse is that she could not have children, however, this does not justify the fact of the Commission of the offence, there are other alternatives with which Barbara might have been mother , as the adoption. It would punish with 15 years in prison by the deprivation of liberty.

    Javier Santacruz Salgado

  41. Hello! I think that the case # 1 is the most serious, the woman who stole the baby does not have a justification, there is another solution such as adoption. with over ten years of imprisonment as a sentence

  42. case 2
    in my opinion as a judge would not give any conviction, because she only acted in self defense and has no criminal record, and if she did not press charges was perhaps for fear; conoceria causes of why did not press charges

  43. Case 8
    This is a ver serios case because it speaksof false statements for which I would guve two years in prision

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  45. Case 1

    To my June should be free. Since he did in self defense when the prosecution to June residents can help to prove that he was beaten by her husband.


  46. Case 1.
    I feel it is the most serious case, as Barbara just acted instinctively and despair of not being able to have babies because they had tried to have one for 10 years and could not and all I did was steal one without thinking of the concern of parents drinks on the consequences that would bring her, if I were a judge in the particular would give a sentence of maximum 15 years in prison .

    -Aranzazu Sanchez

  47. Case 7

    According to the provisions of the federal criminal code "that without the right to force another to give, do, stop doing or tolerate something, earning a profit for himself or another or causing someone a financial loss, they will apply to two to eight years in prison and forty to one hundred and sixty days' fine. "the verdict is that the accused found guilty on the charge of blackmail is applied to 5 years in prison.

    Carmen Lourdes Hernández Velázquez.


  49. Case two: June Mayfield.

    She stabbed her husband, then he died. Even is she's not innocent, I think that she doesn't deserve a long sentence, because she did it in self-defence and she had not been involved in a crime before. Me, as a judge, would give her five or seven years in prison.

  50. Barbara punishment of Case 1 .
    In my opinion I explain that this is the case in which more serious damage is as they are : psychological and physical harm to the baby , and the parents of the infant. That is why before the action performed by Mrs. Barbara condemned by the law of the United States of America and to the grievances to 55 years in prison.

  51. 5. Matthew Barnyard. Aged 21.
    I think I think this is an interesting case because the arguments that are used are based on an earlier case, however drugs used are different so I consider that he deserves a sentence of two years in prison.

  52. Case two : June Mayfield .
    I judge a penalty of 5 years in prison as it was self-defense and only sanction should act as such, but no extras grievances because she did not causemore conviction damage to generating damage assessment, but was in the circumstances to perform the act .

  53. Case 2 .
    Declare that a murder was committed in self-defense , for reasons of abuse and violence against his person,
    He sentenced him to 3 years in prison

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  55. case:1It was a very serious case of barbara as kidnap the baby was not the best, because I did not think in the great pain he would cause the family , perhaps the greatest pain of his life for his parents the baby lost her son, and even that eya can not have children does not justify his superb act of crime.
    because the law marks that are 15 years in prison and give him 15 years because we still have a big problem because they can not have children , does not justify immoral act .

  56. case:1It was a very serious case of barbara as kidnap the baby was not the best, because I did not think in the great pain he would cause the family , perhaps the greatest pain of his life for his parents the baby lost her son, and even that eya can not have children does not justify his superb act of crime.
    because the law marks that are 15 years in prison and give him 15 years because we still have a big problem because they can not have children , does not justify immoral act .

  57. Case 1.

    It is the most serious crime because it is a kidnapping and damages to the parents of the baby , I declare sentenced to 25 years in prison Barbara .

  58. In my view, it is that what he did was rightly wife, because she was already badly damaged as psychologically and morally, besides that she did it in self defenza, by which I judge would give 5 years.
