Monday, May 16, 2016


Hello students. Here you can share your poster link. The deadline is 11:59pm!
See you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Last participation for the 3rd partial

Hello students, you have to coose a case in which you want to be the judge and decide what you think the punishment should be for that case above. Prepare to give arguments for one case you feel strongly about.1. Barbara May: Aged 47.
She stole a 4 month old baby from a pushchair parked outside a shop. Despite appeals from the baby’s parents on national TV, the baby was
only returned when Barbara’s husband came back from working on an oil rig in the North Sea a month later. The baby had been well looked after. Barbara had been trying to have a baby for 10 years.
2. June Mayfield: Aged 29.
She stabbed her husband to death. Her husband had persistently beaten her for many years. Police had been called in several times by neighbours worried about her, but she refused to press charges. She says she only picked up the knife in self-defence. She has no previous convictions.
3. Robert Peel: Aged 36.
He robbed an old lady in the street. He threatened violence but didn’t use any. He has a long record of previous arrests, mainly for shoplifting and pick pocketing but he hadn’t been in trouble for a while before this incident. He has an ill mother and five children and says that he steals to support them.
4. Frank Gordon. Aged 31.
He was arrested for drunk driving. He was found after he had driven his car off the road, but no-one was hurt. He had nearly hit another car 10 minutes before the accident. His team had won the Champion’s League and he had been celebrating in a pub with friends, but he is also a regular heavy drinker. He is a travelling salesman and so needs to drive for his job, and has a wife and two children to support.
5. Matthew Barnyard. Aged 21.
He was arrested and convicted for possession of heroin. After the conviction new evidence was discovered that supports his claim that he bought the drugs only to ease the pain of his dying mother. He is therefore appealing his sentence. In the initial case, a previous conviction for possession of cannabis was used in evidence against him.
6.David Badiell: Aged 17.
He is an animal rights activist. He was arrested for breaking a security guard’s nose. The security guard tried to remove him from the shop when he was walking around verbally abusing customers in the fur department of a large department store. He claims the security guard was to blame.
7. Roger Delfry: Aged 29.
He was arrested for blackmail. He found out that his boss had recently had an affair and threatened to tell his boss’s wife. He used the money his boss gave him to buy a luxury flat and a fast car for him and his young wife. He is not at all apologetic, and says that his boss is the real criminal for cheating on his wife.
8. Fred Daybrey: Aged 42.
Editor of a newspaper. After his paper printed a story about Danny ‘Funny Man’ Grim, which later turned out to be untrue, Danny’s TV show was cancelled and he lost his home in Barcelona.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Hello students. We have almost finished the course, one of the final comments you have make is the following. Firstly yo have to go to the next link and answer this survey. Then write down your name as a comment when you had answered the survey. I need you to participate as soon as possible.
Thank you.

Friday, April 29, 2016


Hello students! This space is devoted to your video's link. You will share your link on Friday or Saturday, as you prefer. Remember to  write down your names and e-mails for feedback.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Participation for today´s class

What can you tell me about the reading you had about "Edna Snell", what was the most important moment for you?, what happened? say something about it!


Please do not share your ad by e-mail. could you upload it on google docs and share the link here.


Hello students as you know we did not have classes today neither tomorrow. It is important you check the next links as we are going to work through the blog these days.
I need you to record your video the next week and upload it on Tuesday. I am so sorry if you have a few days to finish it, but we cannot waste time now. Remember your video will be about a news report you have to create on a channel. take as an example the everyday news you watch. Remember to use passive voice (2 - 3minutes)