Friday, March 4, 2016

2nd partcipation. 2nd partial.

Hello everybody!
The activity for this week is that you have to tell us what you learnt this week. Then you have to comment the participation of someone else.
The deadline for this activity is on Wednesday!


  1. This week I learned the different types of divorce is 6
    1. NO-fault divorcio
    2. At-fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    and how they are formed besides that happens when the spouses have children, assets, debts and how it has evolved marriage of polygamy to monogamy, among other things like divorce United States, Australia, Islam. ETC.

    1. Last week, I learned on extensive reading divorce rates. As it is to be applied to both sides. Different modadilades the other countries. The concecuestas that these imply.

  2. Hi! I´m Ian Carlo
    During the week, we were analizing the term Divorse, for wich you explain us that exists 6 types. Also the requirements you must meet to qualify for dissolution to end the marriage. For me, the most interesting was the Summary Divorse.

    Another important thing is what happen if the couple have children, what will happen with them, the support or alimony for the children. In this point it is important to say that the process of Divorse its really different here in Mexico than in USA.

  3. This week I learned the different types of divorces there and also as a sedan in different countries osidentales

    1. We learned that in some Western jurisdictions, divorce doesn't require a party to claim fault of their partner that leads to the breakdown of marriage. And in United States, it's necessary a "parenting plan".

    2. the statics also mentioned in different years, to when the marriage is separated and he has to give each of the parties.

  4. Hi there:
    this week I learned that there are different types of divorce in June
    1. At-fault divorce
    2. No-fault divorce
    3. collaborative divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. summary divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    every divorce has different characteristics for example in the uncontested divorce both parties agree and there is some conflict between ellos.que affect third parties such children.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I learned last week divorce rates that exist and these are 6
    1. NO-fault divorce
    2. At-fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce

    also a synonym for divorce is the separation.
    by a divorvcio canceled leganlemte obligations and responsibilities, a sanction of a judge to culmiar divorce in Western countries is no demand for either party if not only one is required is needed. in countries like Portugal there are electronic divorces and countries such as U.S.A., Canada and Scandinavia divorce ah become very common.

    1. Is important to know how many kinds of divorce exist, as you said before: No-faul, at-fault, summary, uncontested, colaborative and mediated. Also is interesting the historic context and the stadistics about divorce.

  7. Last week, I learned on extensive reading divorce rates. As it is to be applied to both sides. Different modadilades the other countries. The concecuestas that these imply.

    1. And as were also the types of divorces there and is 6
      1. NO-fault divorce
      2. At-fault divorce
      3. summary divorce
      4. uncontested divorce
      5. collaborative divorce
      6. Mediated divorce

  8. We saw divorce rates in maña countries if the sanction of a judge or other authority in a legal process is required. The types of divorce are no fault divorce, fáciles divorce, collaborative divorce in Román Greco culture marriages must be free and islamic culture divorce is acceptable and referred to as cut however it is considered that divorce is of the most hated of all legal cases.


    1. Indeed divorce is one of the most hated cases, but not common but worldwide . Omar Campillo Martínez.


    2. Indeed divorce is one of the most hated cases, but not common but worldwide . Omar Campillo Martínez.

  9. Last week we learned that there are different types of divorce , also is very different when applied in different countries , in a reading that we I was provided also talked about and divorce applied in western countries , among them we mentioned divorce by mutual consent, when if fails or not in divorce , collaborative dicorcio among others.

  10. The last class we talked about divorce, about the types of divorce, which were slower and which were faster on electronic divorce, which involves the process of divorce, divorce happens in different countries.

  11. this week learned about the types of divorce
    there and if I recall is 6
    1. NO-fault divorce
    2. At-fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    as is the shape of each country is given or rather as are the penalties when there is a divorce of different places


  12. What I learned this week was ; types of divorce , where I could know that there are different ideologies both east and west. You can already apply for a divorce by mail or electronically, that divorce is not well seen in Japan and the United States is so common . My name is Omar Campillo Martínez

  13. Hi miss
    this week was what I learned about " divorce "
    divorce is the cancellation of the marriage between two persons legally .
    divorce is not allowed in Western countries . There are different types of divorce...
    1. NO-fault divorce
    2. At-fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    I also present some statistics of divorce United States and japan histororia divorce and Islam


  14. In this week, we learned the diferent types of divorce.
    the differences between each of the different types of divorce. the types of divorce are:
    1.- No-fault divorce.
    2.- At-fault divorce.
    3.- Summary divorce.
    4.- Uncontested divorce.
    5.- Collaborative divorce.
    6.- Mediated divorce.
    And the different ways that seen in different countries and cultures.

  15. Hi Miss...
    This week I learned that there are different types of divorces, for example: Summary divorce, collaborative divorced and mediated divorced.

    I also learned such as divorces in different countries.

    Thank U, miss.

  16. This week I learned that exist different types of divorce, these are: no-fault divorce, at-fault divorce, summary divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorceand mediated divorce. We read some characteristics of this types.
    Also I learned abour the concept of divorce in some countries, like in Islam, Japan, United States, United Kingdom, etc.
    I can say that the definition of divorce is the final termination of a marriage, also is known as "dissolution of marriage".

  17. Hi Miss
    Last week we saw different types of divorce as it is in some countries.
    Which are:
    1. NO-fault divorce
    2. At-fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    It is important to know about how divorce in some parts of the world as there are different ideologies.


  18. last week I know about the types of divorce there for example:
    1. no fault divorcio
    2. at fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    which in some cases are fast and tambiejn slow and that in all countries there are divorces.

  19. I learned this week that divorce rates are as follows :No-fault divorce, At-fault divorce, summary divorce,uncontested divorce,collaborative divorce and mediated divorce.

    I also learned that divorce all kinds of responsibilities and legal obligations canecela , for this must be an authorized person who is the judge . in Western countries not declared invalid divorce, but tied the civil party is canceled ... this did not know !

  20. This week was what a divorce is the dissolution or termination of a marriage also that there are several types the divorces. There are two basic approaches to the divorce fault based and no fault based. However there are other types the divorces such as summary divorce,un contestes divorce.


  21. Hi, teacher
    what I learned in the last week was about the different types of divorce, which show acontinuacion: on fault divorce, collaborative divorce, mediated divorce, divorce by mutual consent, no-fault divorce, divorce summary.
    I could see that agreements can aver to both sides, debts, if not both parties agree, also I could see how the divorce in places like the United States, Australia, Islam.
    we also saw the different types of rights, such as family law, copyright law, tort law, criminal law, family law among others.

    By: Juarez Perez Mayra Joseline :)

  22. This week I learned things I did not know the divorce.
    Also different types of divorce that exists.
    As you can apply and if will have consequences that can bring the divorce on both sides .
    The truth was very interesting

    Juarez Morales lesly

  23. What I understood from reading ; Divorce is also considered " dissolution of marriage " .
    In my opinion, it is the breaking of a couple with established purposes.
    There are different types: no-fault divorce , uncontested divorce , collaborative divorce, divorce and mediated divorce guilt .
    We watched as was divorce in countries like Japan , United Kingdom, Islam and the United States.


  24. ana dulce castrillo juarez

    I also learned that divorce is marriage disolusion ou can call and through this contracted obligations and responsibilities in this requires a demand for one of the two parties , legal process and the sanction of a judge are canceled.
    the divorce process can involve problems of maintenance of the couple, the distribution of property and debt vision .
    mediation and collaborative divorce are accidental .in types of divorce law for example in Portugal when espsos accept divorce and its terms can certify it with a non-judicial entity.
    that's what I learned in the last class

  25. Last week I learned that there are different types of divorce, which are; No-fault divorce, at-fault divorce, summary divorce, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce and mediated divorce.
    In addition, in some countries the process of divorce are different.
    By; Javier Santacruz Salgado

  26. In another week before I learned that is divorce (is the final termination of a marriage) as well as its synonym divorce is dissolution, besides that we looked example in different jurisdictions as Occidenta, and different types of divorce are;
    - No- fault divorce
    - At fault divorce
    - Sumary divorce
    -uncontested divorce
    - Collaborative divorce
    - Mediated divorce
    As well also it gives us a US statistics
    and a brief history and as applied for divorce in Japan and Islam.
    It is all that I learned.

  27. The last week I learned that divorce is a very interesting topic because there are many tipes and it is different in the worldwide. Divorce is a widely usted practice and so there are many types live: no-fault divorce and at- fault divorce, it was a very extensive reading but very interesting.

    1. I'm sorry teacher I wrote "usted" because I wrote in my cellphone and the correct word is use.

  28. 1. Types of divorce
    2. No-faul divorce
    3. At-faul divorce
    3. Summary divorce
    4. Uncontested divorce
    5. Collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce

  29. Hello teacher this week learned a lot about the text that got us translate , not only in the field of English also learned about divorce for example there are different types of divorce. I learned that it is not the same all countries and especially whenever I can better understand texts in English .

  30. last week we saw everything about divorce, types of divorce, that was, we also speak countries are Japan, France and Italy their own, way of seeing divorce, system thatexist and different years of evolution.
    It was a very interesting and very useful in our training as lawers topic.

    1. Last week we learn the different types of divorce and consisting each, its meaning and synonymous, the legal consequences that entails divorce, also as polygamy and monogamy radically change the marital status of individuals. Some countries where divorce is not allowed and statistics regarding divorce is common.

  31. Thank you, I hope you really have learnt what you have commented here.

  32. hello teacher,
    I apologized for not checking the blogg before and leave my comment so late.
    The last week we were talking about the divorce, the different types of divorce that exist and the characteristics of each of them , as is divorce in different parts of the world and its legal consequences.

  33. Hi there
    this week I learned to comprehend and understand the readings in English, the meaning of divorce, causes and types. Besides as it is seen in other countries. And to answer questions with their respective response translating it into Spanish.

    Evelyn Alvarado Nava

  34. We learned the causes of divorce ,and that should be done in a case of separation.
    Considering all that we saw in the text that we read and also Like they are in different countries.

  35. We learned the causes of divorce ,and that should be done in a case of separation.
    Considering all that we saw in the text that we read and also Like they are in different countries.

  36. Last week I learned the different kinds of divorce and a synonym of this (dissolution of marriage); also I learned that the divorce vary around the world, even that it is not permitted in a lot of countries. One of the most interesting things (al least for me) is the fact that the divorce is allowed in the Islamic law, althought it's hated and considered a bad thing in the sight of Allah, their God, since I thought that divorce wasn't allowed.

  37. Hello good afternoon!
    I learned the different types of divorce and in different countries
    for example
    No-fault divorce,
    At-fault divorce,
    summary of divorce,
    divorce by mutual consent,
    collaborative divorce,
    mediated divorce
    it is important to know that not everywhere is the same and have different ways of thinking and solving their problems.

  38. I learned divorce rates in different countries and what should be done when there is in between children and property involved.

  39. Hi Teacher
    Last week I learned the types of divorce, the ideologies of east and west.
    The types of divorce:
    No- Fault divorce
    At- fault divorce
    Summary divorce
    Uncontested divorce
    Collaborative divorce
    Mediated divorce
    The judge is the only perdón authorized to cancel legal responsabilities and obligations.

  40. Hi Teacher
    Last week I learned the types of divorce, the ideologies of east and west.
    The types of divorce:
    No- Fault divorce
    At- fault divorce
    Summary divorce
    Uncontested divorce
    Collaborative divorce
    Mediated divorce
    The judge is the only person authorized to cancel legal responsabilities and obligations.
    María Fernanda Pérez Ortiz

  41. Hi teacher
    this week I learned new words in English legal vocabulary, the different types of divorce and the difference of them all.
    these are:
    1. Types of divorce
    2. No-faul divorce
    3. At-faul divorce
    3. Summary divorce
    4. Uncontested divorce
    5. Collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce

    I am Dylan Jehison Martinez Muñoz

  42. In the last week I learned about the types of divorce in other countries. The causes that can lead to marriage. I also learned that in some countries are not called divorce and that each place has different names and causes that permit the divorce.

  43. Hi teacher! Good evening.
    What I learned over the last classes was that there are six different types of divorces these are:
    1. no fault divorce
    2. At-fault divorce
    3. summary divorce
    4. uncontested divorce
    5. collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce

    I also learned that for these divorces just carried must be an authorized person who is called "JUDGE" and thus be valid.


  44. Hi teacher the last class I learned the types of divorce that are six:
    1. Types of divorce
    2. No-faul divorce
    3. At-faul divorce
    3. Summary divorce
    4. Uncontested divorce
    5. Collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    Also that the divorce is different in each country.

  45. Hi teacher the last class I learned the types of divorce that are six:
    1. Types of divorce
    2. No-faul divorce
    3. At-faul divorce
    3. Summary divorce
    4. Uncontested divorce
    5. Collaborative divorce
    6. Mediated divorce
    Also that the divorce is different in each country.

  46. what se learned this week are then different types of divorce,and also the difference of each. fault divorce divorce
    3.summary divorce
    4.uncontested divorce
    5.collaborative divorce
    6.mediated divorce.

  47. what se learned this week are then different types of divorce,and also the difference of each. fault divorce divorce
    3.summary divorce
    4.uncontested divorce
    5.collaborative divorce
    6.mediated divorce.


  48. In the last class I met different issues of divorce in different countries, they were six:

    1. No fault divorce.
    2. At-fault divorce.
    3. Summary divorce.
    4. Uncontested divorce.
    5. Collaborative divorce.
    6. Mediated divorce.

    See you next class! :)
