Saturday, February 27, 2016

1st participation for the 2nd partial

Hello everybody!
The activity for this week is to write a short paragraph about one of the next options.
- You are a lawyer who works in the tort law area.
- You are working for a lawfirm who is specialized in criminal law.
- You are working in a really difficult family law case.
The deadline is on wednesday morning


  1. I work for a law firm who is specialized in criminal law. We resolve cases about crimes or offenses, through the imposition of certain penalties. The cases that we analyze used to be a little difficult, so it is so important that we are careful, one mistake could ruin all the process or the advance we had achieved. However, i love work on this, is my passion, and when we win the cases I'm proud of the results, and I realize that our efforts had been worth it.

  2. work in a buffet of lawyers in Mexico . My specialty is criminal law . Criminal law is the one in charge of crimes. The severity of the sanction is linked to crime.Among the issues that pleases me defend are minor violations , armed robbery , asesitos among others.

  3. I work in civil law, specializing in family cases, by the time I´m trying a case with a high degree of difficulty, I have to set that process to apply, because at any moment everything can come down, winning this event would bring me satisfaction in my morals and my profession, I enjoy what I do and I do it with all possible taste.

  4. I work in a family law case in which there are different areas of practice, such as divorce which is the legal separation or annulment to dissolve a marriage. Military divorce aplies only to military families. Adoption in which a child is adopted from a shelter. The area protection that provide heddy children with welfare advocate whether psysical, emotional and financial.

    Among many more areas.

  5. I currently work in a law office. Most of these specialize in criminal law. But also cases that focus on civil are met. In this work values, principles and discipline it is. In the position I am encargda is the area of tort law.
    At the moment I am counting on a very complicated case. The multimillion empreza refuses to indemnify the family of a worker. This lost one of its ends while this worked. The empreza refuses because the man was not using safety devices.

  6. Nuestro trabajo profesional se encuentra dirigido a la de Derecho de Daños. Estamos en condiciones de efectuar una completa asesoría y defensa de los intereses de las empresas en Pro de la solución oportuna de sus conflictos en diversas áreas de la Responsabilidad.

    1. Our professional work is directed to the Tort Law. We are able to make a complete consultation and defending the interests of companies in Pro timely resolution of conflicts in various areas of responsibility.

  7. I work for a law firm who is specialized in criminal law.

    I work through of a body of rules and statutes that defines conduct prohibited by the government because it threatens and harms public safety and welfare and that establishes punishment to be imposed for the commission of such acts.
    This body of law which regulates the repression of crime; prohibition of specified conduct which, in the view of the government, as expressed by statute, interferes with the peace and good order of society to the extent that the proof of such conduct will result in criminal punishment upon the transgressor, in either a fine or a denial of liberty , my job is to support and help to people who is accused to commit a crime or who wants start a proceeding against someone.

  8. I love the job I have in a law firm. The same is specializing in criminal law, I love it because the crimes of today are very important. I feel able to contribute in the same resolution of these crimes with adequate and fair sanctions. Sometimes they are very difficult to solve but they are patient and understand that we must do our job well. For the good of ourselves and our customers. Criminal law and am passionate about my performance in this area will be excellent.

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  10. I am part and belong to a Buffet criminal as a criminal lawyer support my clients in drafting their complaints in the commissión of crimes contributing to the public prosecutor in the integration of preliminary investigations and special acts giving continuity to criminal proceedings related crimes such as robbery, morder, rape, abduction.

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  13. I work for a firm of very prestigious lawyers, solve cases many criminals in which my fascinates me solve , some cases are more complicated and longer than others , some are more heinous than others but I like to solve and help those in need

  14. I 'm working on a law case of damage or repair the damage. My client says he was hit by a car and casualty insurer does not want to take charge, because the company argues that it was intentional. The guilty party says it will take care expenditure rehabilitation or devices require my client arrives. The fact is that my client wants to sue the insurance company for defamation.

  15. I'm a lawyer and i work in a rally difficult family law case. I resolve cases about divorses and who gets custody of the children because i hace to check that there was family violence. These cases are sad cause children are involved, but make thing fair forma them es always rewarding.

  16. I'm a lawyer and i work in a rally difficult family law case. I resolve cases about divorses and who gets custody of the children because i hace to check that there was family violence. These cases are sad cause children are involved, but make thing fair forma them es always rewarding.


  17. I work for a law firm specializing in criminal law.

    My passion is criminal law as justice apply to acts that are prohibited in society and give sanctions as it should have an order to develop a better society and not follow corrupting acts that should not be present.
    Although they have a degree of difficulty we must be patient because it is a benefit so they can be together and solve them as we have in mind that there must be justice because truth always comes to light to situations.
    Here we see cases like; crimes, crimes, abuse etc. By winning cases we feel good because it is our job to solve these problems that can hurt us any citizen.
    I believe that no case should remain unpunished because so are we to solve these cases and fight for justice.


  18. I resolve criminal cases, I will help people who can go to prison. I give them advice to people who have a ploblema with the police or who are already in jail. my job is hard can not make mistakes.

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  20. I work in a legal buffet specializing in criminal law where we defend people who have problems with the police or who are in prison for any conduct that has been considered as a crime. I love what I do, it makes me satisfaction helping people since that's my job.

    Javier Santacruz Salgado

  21. I am a lawyer and my job is to resolve divorce and help give custody of children to my client.
    So i work in a really difficult family law case. I like my job but do not mix my feelings with my clients problems

  22. I´m a lawyer who work in the tort law area. My work is very used because the people commits many negligences in theirs daily life, my job is not easy because it is very difficult to prove that the incident occurred in a certain way, however it is very satisfying to help people and my life is very interesting thanks a the cases.

  23. I`m working in the most important lawfirm in Mexico. We are specialized in criminal law, so we solve cases about crimes,corrupting acts, abuse, to protect the society. Sometimes the cases are very complicated and long, but it doesn`t matter because I love my job, and I just want to help my costumers, no matter the situation. I like to work in criminal law, so I work very hard, I am responsible and I do my job very well.
    Reynaldo Antonio Flores Cid

  24. I am a lawyer and I'm working on a divorce is a difficult case since they are in between two children, it's sad but marriage is not understood and it is better to separate that they come to a psychological harm to children, you should to act justly so that children can live in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

  25. I currently work in a civil case , it is a very important issue when you can solve it I will feel totally happy about the work that has cost me get win , but I'll feel even better to see my client satisfied with the results.

  26. I work for a law firm specializing in criminal law. We solve crimes or crimes cases, through the imposition of certain sanctions.
    The cases brought are very delicate because we must analyze very pasiencia, and if a small error or word by saying it could complicate the case and cases e have led emos gained very successful and I'm very proud to be working in this branch of law and that worthwhile

    Ivan Lopantzi Mendieta

  27. Working for a law firm, I am in the criminal area, helped people in regulates the punishment of crimes or offences, through the imposition of certain sentences, I will be working at anytime since there may be a problem at any time of the day, helping people is a goal for me and I know that when it resolved the problems of the people I know that it was worth my job

  28. I currently work in a law office .
    I really enjoy helping people who are innocent to that sometimes cases are very complicated.
    I hope that many guests leave satisfied with my work.


  29. I currently work in a law office .
    I really enjoy helping people who are innocent to that sometimes cases are very complicated.
    I hope that many guests leave satisfied with my work.


  30. I work for a law firm. We specialize in criminal law.
    We help resolving offenses, fights and crimes. All you have are diciles cases and we have to be very good to solve the problems. The nice thing about my job is that I really love to work as a lawyer and to help people.

  31. My name is Luis Carlos and I work in a law firm specialized in criminal law. We help innocent people will not go to prison, but sometimes cases are very complicated. I love my work and I love work to the people.

  32. I am lawyer and I'm working for a lawfirm who is specialized in criminal law. This area is very interesting. The lawyers that are in this area solve case criminal. . I help person that are defendant for a crime. I love my job

  33. I am a lawyer currently I am working in a law firm, we specialize in criminal law in criminal, abuses and violations against the society. We seek to give our clients the justice they deserve, I love my work and the branch to which I am inclined of criminal law since I am very able to solve any kind of problem, I am proud of what I do and above all for the satisfaction that feel the support and help my client
    Jessica Garcia Flores

  34. I work in a lawfirm. we are especialized in the criminal law. sometimes we have really difficult cases but through experience we can find solutions that ultimately lead us to triunfo. for me really I like my job. every occasion in which we solve a case I feel satisfied with my work .I love my job and I can not imagine my devoting myself to anything other than this.

  35. I am a lawyer in civil matters. Currently working in a very difficult case. the case is about the custody of a child. At first glance it looks easy. And it is complicated by the child's parents. Because they are in divorce proceedings, and have not approved them is. Ask for solution, but while they do not fix their divorce, I can not move forward.

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  38. I am a lawyer in civil matters. Currently working in a very difficult case. the case is about the custody of a child. At first glance it looks easy. And it is complicated by the child's parents. Because they are in divorce proceedings, and have not approved them is. Ask for solution, but while they do not fix their divorce, I can not move forward.

  39. I work in a law firm that specializes in the right sentence, ai seve defending lawsuits from start to finish, including the amparo and all sorts of resources of any kind, labor lawsuits filed against those distinguish us with their confidence, it has been the core business and most recognized of all those who integrate this report.

    by: Juarez Perez Mayra Joseline

  40. I work for a law recognized lawyers within the state, I am proud to belong to this important group and fight for justice for the state to be safer and the family is harmonious.

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  42. Great that most of you are participating on the blog. I hope you have been practicing the new vocabulary we have learnt. Be ready for tomorrow, we have a really extensive reading! See you tomorrow morning, be on time

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  44. I work for a law firm specializing in criminal law .

    Work in this firm is tired and certainly very difficult because our job is to help people who are accused of any charge or to start a lawsuit. Our priority is to help no matter if guilty or innocent.

  45. my name is nancy esmeralda I have a degree in law and has come to me one of the most difficult cases of my career this is about the protection of some under the age of 3 and 5 years in this case maternal grandmother asks for custody of children as parents show no interest in their children in this family exixtio abandonment by both parties as the parents go for a long period of time and we care about their children. and children have physical and psychological parents to stay with damage.

  46. I work in a family law case and what I want is the welfare of my advocate , if custody of a child , buscaria that children are well in every way and although it was very difficult buscaria how to win at it takes

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  49. my name is antonia maria serrano'm working the area of right of damage which deals with the repair of the damage caused. But nevertheless, sometimes, when the repair thereof is difficult, the law allows compensation of the injured by compensation for damages incurred. This legal obligation to compensate the damage or repair the damage generated in the forced normally encouragement never to commit the act that resulted in the damaging event, under penalty of incurring again in the unlawful conduct giving rise to the restorative need.

  50. hello my name is evelyn and I am working for a law firm specializing in criminal law. am interested joining this buefete as it is the area that I like more and this is what I had planned to work.

  51. I am luis fernando work in a law office which is responsible for matters of grievances. My work has a lot of responsibility because the pespacho arrive very sensitive cases.

  52. I'm Brenda Elizabeth Juarez Gonzalez and work in the area of tort law. I have an important and difficult case because my clients have suffered a car accident where a passenger died and the guilty not want to pay the funeral expenses hospitarios and my client. That's why they were called to court tomorrow.

  53. I'm Brenda Elizabeth Juarez Gonzalez and work in the area of tort law. I have an important and difficult case because my clients have suffered a car accident where a passenger died and the guilty not want to pay the funeral expenses hospitarios and my client. That's why they were called to court tomorrow.

  54. I work in a family law case I am so th working at people of the same sex to adopt and in the future do not have problems and be equal for all Mexicans and other cases in which I work are divorce, child abuse, adoptions and marriages that is what is included in my work.

  55. My name is Areli Vazquez work un a las office dedicated to the civil area where were severa cases like divorce,custody among others.
    Ring now I 'm taking care of a matter concernig the membership of my client

  56. My name is Areli Vazquez work un a las office dedicated to the civil area where were severa cases like divorce,custody among others.
    Ring now I 'm taking care of a matter concernig the membership of my client


  57. I'm working on a very familiar difficult case.
    It is a community property divorce and This couple has two minor children . The problem esque Mother Is A Alcolica and father Patía the power demands , solo para does not have enough capital to keep two children.

  58. My name is Diana Laura I work in a specialist law firm in the area of criminal law, criminal lawyers as we support our clients in drafting reports and complaints defend people Involved in the commission of crimes,contributing to the Public Ministry in the integration of Preliminary Investigation and special proceedings in the case of preliminary inquirí.


  59. I work in a law firm, it is specialized in criminal cases called Fey & Co. My boss is Mia Fey, one of the best attorneys of L. A. My coworkers are Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes; I also have good friends who are prosecutors, as Miles Edgeworth and his girlfriend Franziska. I have been an attorney at law for almost 10 years.
    I really love my job because I help people who is innocent and I can investigate the crime scene, finding the true murderer.
    We have had really difficult cases, our clients have been mediums, lawyers, TV actors, musicians, even magicians! Sometimes it gets hard, and the career used to be a little bit boring, but worth studing Law. My coworkers and me love being attorneys.

  60. My name is Ana Paula and I work in a law firm, our services offer attorneys in criminal law that form an integral team and experienced in criminal matters at the forefront of professional requirements.
    Some services we provide in Criminal Law:
    • Criminal cases, summaries, ordinary or oral; freedoms on bail, blood alcohol and any type of crime;
    • provisional Freedoms or early pre-releases;
    • Assurance properties or businesses by the public prosecutor, judge or any authority;
    • Cancellation of chips or criminal record, among others.


  61. Hi I'm Harvey Birdman attorney job in my office that I and some friends of the race in law studied at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala opened about six years ago and because its temporary name is "honorable and associates" of lawyers specializing in all areas, but mainly in criminal law, and good are very approachable people because until now we run in solving problems, people have been very satisfied with the speed and with the economy that save us, we are proud of our commitment and our way Real able to help completely, we have given us because we work excellent as a team although we have difficulties at times both have the exact level crime according to the gravities of sanctions of our customers, but fortunately you like our work.

  62. Good Night !!!
    I´m Ian Carlo I work as a Lawyer in a Law Firm in New York. I have working in this Firm almost 5 years. I really enjoy my job in this place because we deal with criminal cases. Also I have the oportunity to work with the best Prosecutor in New York, his name is Peter Helmintonsh.

    As a Lawyer in this firm, my priority always are my clients, sometimes the cases are complicated but I´m so proud of myself when I resolved each case even when its diffucult analize the crime scene.
