Friday, February 12, 2016

THE PERFECT CRIME. 2nd question

 At the beggining and the end of the play, Alice was smiling. Why?


  1. At the beginning she was smiling because she was so happy for their anniversary and at the end because she thought it was the perfect crime.
    Name: Yorsely Adalid Mendieta Lima.

  2. Alice smiled at first because it was their tenth wedding anniversary and the end because clearly thought he had done, the perfect crime.

  3. at the beginning Alice was smiling because she thought that her life was wonderful, and that day was very special for her. And after, in the end she was smiling because she was the author of the perfect crime.

  4. at first because she was very happy anniversary and thought his life was perfect and finally that he thought was the perfect crime.

  5. At the beginning of the play Alice smiled because he was going to be a new day off the beaten path as it was its tenth anniversary. And his life was beautiful.
    At the end of the play because he thought it was the perfect crime.


  6. Alice was initially happy and smiling because it was their tenth anniversary and at the end that i make a perfect crime.

  7. At the beginning of the work Alice smiled because it was their 10th anniversary, and at the end because she thought the he had committed the perfect crime.
    Javier Santacruz Salgado

  8. At first she was happy with the life he had and because it was his birthday and the end because he thought he had made the perfect crime.
    Diana Laura Ramírez Luna

  9. At the beginning she was smailing because it whould be his anniversary and at the end because she she thought it would be the perfect crime.

  10. At the beginning she was smailing because it whould be his anniversary and at the end because she she thought it would be the perfect crime.

  11. At first she was very happy because I had a beautiful baby asleep upstairs, a beautiful house and a husband she adored. therefore a perfect life.
    in the end she smiled because no suspect she had committed the perfect crime

  12. she was happy because it was their tenth wedding anniversary and she would see some friends for drink,and at the end because thought it was the perfect crime.

  13. At first I was happy qie had a life filled with happiness , and finally because she thinks he cast the perfect crime

  14. The top Alicia this delighted that his life was fabulous in all are because sustained your joy and emotions in see the work and at the end smiled much because for she was the crime never told in the history was the perfect crime.

  15. she was happy for his anniversary was a special day and at the end it was just smiling for the perfect crime.

    Name: Lesly Juárez Morales

  16. she was happy for his anniversary was a special day and at the end it was just smiling for the perfect crime.

    Name: Lesly Juárez Morales

  17. At the start because his anniversary and at the end because he believed he had made the perfect crime.

  18. At first I was happy qie had a life filled with happiness , and finally because she thinks he cast the perfect crime

  19. Because she was happy to be his aniversary and that he thought that, she had se en would be perfecto ti commit a crime.

  20. Because she was happy to be his aniversary and that he thought that, she had se en would be perfecto ti commit a crime.

  21. first Alice was happy because it was their wedding anniversary and was smiling after that thought it was a perfect crime.
    name Paulina Mendez leal

  22. she was happy for their anniversary and thought it was the right thing crime

  23. she was happy for their anniversary and thought it was the right thing crime

  24. at first Alice was smiling because it was their wedding anniversary after Alice smiled because she thought it was the perfect crime.

  25. at first Alice was smiling because it was their wedding anniversary after Alice smiled because she thought it was the perfect crime.

  26. First, Alice was smiling because it was their wedding anniversary.
    Alice smiled because she thought it was the perfect crime. D:

  27. First, Alice was smiling because it was their wedding anniversary.
    Alice smiled because she thought it was the perfect crime. D:

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Alice was happy because it was their wedding anniversary and thought it was the perfect crime.
    Name: María Fernanda Pérez Ortiz

  30. At the beginning she was smiling because she was so happy for their anniversary
    because she thought it was the perfect crime

  31. At the beginning she was smiling because she was so happy for their anniversary
    because she thought it was the perfect crime

    By: Ivan Lopantzi Mendieta

  32. Alice smiled because she was happy for anniversary and the end because she thought he had done... it was the perfect crime.

  33. at the beginning she was very happy anniversary because I think that was the perfect crime.

  34. at the beginning she was very happy anniversary because I think that was the perfect crime.

  35. She was smiling because they were two moments when she felt happy. the first was for their anniversary and the second for the crime he had committed.

  36. She was smiling because they were two moments when she felt happy. the first was for their anniversary and the second for the crime he had committed.

  37. at first he is happy because it was his wedding anniversary and the end why you think committed the perfect crime

  38. Alice smiled the end because thought he had done, the perfect crime.

  39. First, Alice was smiling because of their anniversary, but the reason why she was smiling at the end was that she had commited a perfect crime, and that gave her a kind of "satisfaction"

  40. She was smiling as it was his birthday, his life was wonderful and since it was the perfect crime.

    By: Juarez Perez Mayra Joseline


  41. she was happy because he had family problems and was feeling very agusto and at the end because he believed he had committed the perfect crime , and no one would know

  42. At first I was happy for their anniversary, the last because no one imagined that Alice had hit her husband.

  43. she smiles at first because had a perfect and beautiful life and most importantly it was their anniversary and finally because he believes he made the perfect crime.

  44. first she smiled with happiness because I was celebrating their anniversary, then smiled so would not notice the police who had killed her husband

  45. At first she was smiling because she was very happy for their anniversary
    and he thought it was the perfect crime


  46. Because she was imagined the perfect crime.

  47. Alice was very happy because it was their tenth anniversary, but her reason to smile at the end was because he had committed the perfect crime.
