Friday, February 12, 2016

THE PERFECT CRIME. 4th question.

Do you think it was the perfect crime? Why?


  1. No. because she called to the police and there was no other person in the house. The police would discover her crime. She would go to prison and leave your child alone.
    Name: Yorsely Adalid Mendieta Lima

  2. No, because she loved Henry, after having beaten thought clearly and called the police, they forget that Bobby would be alone and that the police would take her, her life would change even more, for me was not the crime perfec.

  3. maybe, because there was not evidence and nobody suspected about her, but she didn´t think that her and Bobby was alone.

  4. No. because she decided to call the police without realizing that in doing so Bobby would be left alone because she would go to jail

  5. No, really for me there is no perfect crime there is always something to betray, as she called the police and would account for everything, would lead to jail and Bobby would be left alone


  6. not, because she loved her husband Henry, when hit and talk to the police thought she was alone and was Bobby, forgetting that the police would catch her, was not a perfect crime.

  7. No, because she loved Henry and I think at first it did for courage for having confessed that he did not love her. But in the end they thought things clearly spoke by telephone with the police then they would realize that he had done that Alice was since no one else was in the house and his son he loved so much he would stay only if she would the jail. Therefore it would not be the perfect crime.

    Diana Laura Ramírez Luna

  8. Not because she called the police and they can uncover the truth.In addition she didn't think her son Bobby. Why going to prison would it leave Bobby helpless in this cruel world.

    Javier Santacruz Salgado

  9. not because they do not think things through before acting, is supposed loved her husband, also had a son, and no thought of the consequences that such action if arrived to discover

  10. No, because she spoke to the police and other would leave your child alone if they put in the jail.

  11. not that he spoke by telephone with the police and would realize , and she loved her hesposo , and suffer for your child to be left alone

  12. Not, because some how people would realizing the body was murder and the crime scene which peolpe called the police thought no one would find the body of his father.

  13. She thought that i will be the perfect but no crime.
    Why do I talk to the police as it was the only one in the esena crime and the police will blame and leave your child alone .

    Lesly Juárez Morales

  14. She thought that i will be the perfect but no crime.
    Why do I talk to the police as it was the only one in the esena crime and the police will blame and leave your child alone .

    Lesly Juárez Morales

  15. No, because I called the police and was the only one in the house.

  16. Not because she called the police and they can uncover the truth.In addition she didn't think her son Bobby. Why going to prison would it leave Bobby helpless in this cruel world.

  17. Not really because she Made mistakes and pay. She ended up to prison. The police would disco ver her crimen

  18. Not really because she Made mistakes and pay. She ended up to prison. The police would disco ver her crimen

  19. she committed the crime so that justice and the sentence therefore had to put her to jail

  20. she committed the crime so that justice and the sentence therefore had to put her to jail

  21. Not, because there is no perfect crime, she was the only one who was in the house so she will have to go to jail and leave your young child alone.

  22. No, she is the person who was with him, the police investigate good the case.

  23. No, Because Katy loved Henry. Bobby was alone.

  24. because there was not evidence and nobody suspected about her
    when hit and talk to the police thought she was alone and was Bobby,

    By: Ivan lopantzi Mendieta

  25. No is perfect crime, because the finally she called the police and leaved her baby alone.

  26. No, because the call to the police and was alone at home.

  27. No, because at home she was alone and his son. Then the police of those who were suspected were two of them.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. No, because I wanted so much to Henry , he is having beaten Penso and called police

  30. No, because she didn't think tha consequences, all that her son would have to live without his parents. His father dead and his mother in prison...

  31. my point of view, I think it's not the perfect crime, because she would call the police and go to jail and his son would be alone, because I would not have his dad who was dead by her mom the event she would go to jail.


  32. Because if that happened unnoticed and no one noticed that she had committed what.

  33. No, because it was the only suspect because it was the only adult other than Henry in the house and called the police, they would realize that she hit him for vengeance.

  34. Yes, because I knew pretending to authorities that her husband was dead and not suspect anything

  35. no, Because she loved her husband , When hit and talk to the police thought she was alone and was Bobby , forgetting That the police would catch her ​​, was not a perfect crime


  36. Because there is a child in first investigate people nearby , plus she called the police.

  37. No, because they do not observe the consequences have to leave your child alone, without parents.
